Tuesday, September 7, 2010

political drama ( they are not the boss over me )

i was just watchin the dutch news on tv, and there was a item on the politics.
and i wanna give my opinion about it.
cause the drama they make is ridiculous and some of the things they stand for are dumb.
like i heard that one political party is for making abortion illegal.
so that means that if a woman want to have an abortion she cannot have one..
i feel that ,that is a womans choice to make.
off cource i feel if a woman sleeps around and get pregnant alot of times but she doesnt wanna have the kid.
then i would say to this woman use the pil or take other measures to prevent to get pregnant.
cause abortion is not the answer in that case.
but things like rape or medical issues just real issue's ! then i say if u really wanna have abortion then its your choice to do so..
i don't like abortion but if there are things like i said rape or medical issue's  then every woman should get the chance to choice for herself and i stand behind that ..100% eventho alot of people may not agree with me.
but that is what one of the political party's stand for and making euthanasia illigal also.
again i feel that if someone is really sick and is dying and they are in soooooo much pain its there choice.
at least if they can still make that choice..
but the choice is up to them and their loved ones..
nobody wants to be in soo much pain and specially when u know you are gonna die..
that is inhuman..they should not suffer .
but im mad at all of theze politicians cause they are making choices that concern us the people of the country we live in .

they are making choices like the poor must pay more but the rich do not..
so where is the justice in that NOT,
so they make choices about whats in our wallets .
and now they wanna make choices of our body's .
I make the choice what i want with my body !
and not these people ..

i am ashamed to be acctuly living here with this drama.
yeah some dutch people or other will say (WHY DON'T U MOVE THEN)
blah blah i choose where i live okej !!
but i do not choose that a guy that acts like a little kid and a racist and a doormat are gonna rule the country i live in.

but im dont with this ..
i just wanted to say what was on my mind!!


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